All about a career in Academia, Research and Science in the Netherlands

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Ebook Unlock Your Future

Unlock Your Future: A Preparation Guide for a Research Career in the Netherlands.

In the pursuit of a research career in the Netherlands, the path to success is paved with both excitement and challenges. As a young researcher, you stand at the threshold of a future filled with possibilities, and …

Bringing Family

You may want your partner and/or children to be with you in the Netherlands. Perhaps they wish to come over together with you, or join you at a later stage. Either way, be sure to mention any plans to your host institution or Dutch employer as early as possible. This …

20 Things You Need To Know

Twenty things you need to know when moving to The Netherlands

1. Gratis
First Dutch word to learn! "Gratis" means "free", so you see it a lot in the supermarket: 10% gratis, 1+1 gratis, ...

2. Ride a bike
A bike is a useful and necessary means for transportation. Many people …